EU-backed innovation and development
Our commitment to industry and science is fundamentally strengthened by the financial support of the European Union. Through the implementation of diverse projects, we strive to innovate, develop new technologies and sustainable solutions that bring value to both our members and wider society.
- Innovative approach
- Cooperation with the EU
The activities of the cluster are continuously financially supported by the EU thanks to the implemented projects:
Programme title: Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness
Call: 01_15_007 Cooperation – Clusters – Call I – Collective Research
Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_007/0001161
Preliminary project application submitted: 24.9.2015
Expected starting date: 1.1.2016
Expected closing date: 31.12.2017
Expected duration: 24 months
Summary: The project is focused on the development of advanced resistant coatings and sensory thin systems on the surface of extrusion and injection molding tools. These thin and durable layers will result in increased chemical and mechanical resistance of the tools used in the processing of polymer blends with a high content of fillers based on natural fibers. At the same time, the process will be optimized through direct measurement of pressure distribution and processing temperatures.
Objective: The aim of the project is the development, verification and pilot operation of new systems of highly resistant layers on the surfaces of the functional parts of the processing equipment. The resulting effect is a verified and quantified extension of tool life and thus an improvement in the production economy. At the same time, the project will develop a nano-sensory layer on tool surfaces, which will allow continuous scanning and recording of conditions in long-term processing.
Programme title: Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness
Call: 01_15_008 Cooperation – Clusters – Call I – Shared Infrastructure
Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_008/0001226
Preliminary project application submitted: 24.9.2015
Expected starting date: 1.1.2016
Expected closing date: 30.11.2017
Expected duration: 23 months
Summary: The development of cluster infrastructure, which is currently gathered in our “Centre for Plastic Products Modeling”, consists of 2 investment objectives:
I. Computer tomography scan – a unique X-ray-based device that enables non-destructive structural analysis and defectoscopy of plastic products in 3D outputs with nano-size resolution
II. Process simulation – the equipment that enables modeling of technological processes in plastics processing and modeling of processing tools
Objective: The objective of the project is to broaden the cluster development infrastructure resulting from:
- The need of using computer tomography (CT) in nano-dimensions when solving Plastr R&D projects
- The necessity of simulation of plastics processing technologies (injection moulding, extrusion, etc.) for both optimization of technologies and construction of processing tools
Overall, the goal can be defined in such a way that Plastr completes the equipment of its own R&D infrastructure to the level that ensures synergies with the regional R&D centers and enables the use of this background for new research projects.
Programme title: Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness
Call: 01_15_007 Cooperation – Clusters – Call I – Collective Research
Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_007/0002305
Preliminary project application submitted: 24.9.2015
Expected starting date: 1.9.2015
Expected closing date: 31.8.2017
Expected duration: 24 months
Summary: Project of research and development consists of 3 subprojects:
- Testing of new polymers, additives and secondary materials
- Design, 3D modelling and scanning of plastic products
- Effective processing of internal technological wastes and development of technologies enabling processing of still unusable technological wastes
- Increasing the competitiveness of Plastr member companies
- Increasing the flexibility of Plastr members (especially SMEs) in developing new plastic products
- Increasing the volume of processed internal technological wastes
- Development of technology for heterogeneous technological wastes processing
- Interdisciplinary use of external industrial or non-industrial wastes as a secondary raw material for processing in Plastr member companies
Programme title: Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness
Call: 01_15_012 Cooperation – Clusters – Call I – Cluster Development
Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/15_012/0001230
Preliminary project application submitted: 27.10.2015
Expected starting date: 1.9.2015
Expected closing date: 31.8.2017
Expected duration: 24 months
Summary: The project addresses the further development of Plastr activities in the following areas:
- People – activities focused on secondary school/university students, internships, education of Plastr employees, training of member companies specialists, technical conferences
- Plastr promotion – websites, publication in professional journals, compulsory publicity
- Interdisciplinary cooperation of Plastr
- Joint use of professional databases and portals
- Joint purchase (energy, selected types of raw materials, overhead materials)
- Professional groups activities
- Benchmarking
Objective: Increased participation of member companies in individual subprojects implemented by Plastr
Programme title: Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness
Call: 01_16_081 Cooperation – Clusters – Call III – Internationalization
Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/16_081/0008704
Preliminary project application submitted: 17.1.2017
Expected starting date: 1.1.2018
Expected closing date: 31.3.2019
Expected duration: 15 months
Summary: The project focuses on the fulfillment of the internationalization strategy “Internationalization of Plastr activities in the period 2017 – 2020”. The Strategy’s Action Plan defines the following key activities:
- Intensification of cooperation with the Slovak Plastics Cluster
- International trade (raw materials, energies)
- Cooperation in preparation of international projects of SMEs – Horizon 2020, CORNET
- Activities in committees (recycling, construction) of the EuPC association
- Benchmarking of European plastics clusters
1. Fulfillment of the Action Plan of the “Internationalization of Plastr activities in the period of 2017 – 2020” strategy
2. Networking of plastics clusters
3. Increasing the success of obtaining subsidies from international calls for projects
Programme title: Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness
Call: 01_17_151 Cooperation – Clusters – Call IV – Shared Infrastructure
Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/17_151/0011814
Preliminary project application submitted: 20.10.2017
Expected starting date: 1.1.2018
Expected closing date: 30.11.2019
Expected duration: 23 months
Summary: The project follows the previous Plastr investment projects and aims to:
- Equip the existing “Centre for Plastic Products Modeling”, which serves the needs of cluster members
- Provide technological and instrumental background for new R&D projects realization
The objective of the project is to broaden the cluster development infrastructure resulting from:
- The need to have a compounding technology that meets new trends in R&D
- The necessity of simulation of plastics processing technologies (injection moulding, extrusion, etc.) for both optimization of technologies and construction of processing tools
Overall, the goal can be defined in such a way that Plastr completes the equipment of its own R&D infrastructure to the level that ensures synergies with the regional R&D centers and enables the use of this background for new research projects.
Programme title: Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness
Call: 01_17_103 Cooperation – Clusters – Call IV – Collective Research
Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/17_103/0011804
Preliminary project application submitted: 19.10.2017
Expected starting date: 1.1.2018
Expected closing date: 31.12.2019
Expected duration: 24 months
Summary: This R&D project is divided into 2 subprojects: “Waste” and “Application”. The solution will focus mainly on the development of polymer blends based on recyclates and natural fillers and on the development of new applications of plastics.
- Increasing the competitiveness of Plastr member companies
- Increasing the flexibility of Plastr members (especially SMEs) in developing new plastic products
- Increasing the volume of processed internal technological wastes
- Development of technology for heterogeneous technological wastes processing
- Interdisciplinary use of external industrial or non-industrial wastes as a secondary raw material for processing in Plastr member companies
- Harmonization of R&D processes with evolving legislation
Programme title: Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness
Call: 01_17_149 Cooperation – Clusters – Call IV – Cluster Development
Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/17_149/0011818
Preliminary project application submitted: 20.10.2017
Expected starting date: 1.1.2018
Expected closing date: 31.12.2019
Expected duration: 24 months
Summary: The project addresses the further development of Plastr activities in the following areas:
1. People – education, technical conferences
2. Plastr promotion – websites, publication in professional journals, compulsory publicity
3. Interdisciplinary cooperation of Plastr
4. Joint use of professional databases and portals
5. Joint purchase (energy, selected types of raw materials, overhead materials)
6. Professional groups activities
- Increasing the active participation of member companies in individual subprojects implemented by Plastr
- Increasing the competitiveness of Plastr member companies by applying new raw materials and additives; Introduction of new technologies in Plastr member companies; Eliminating the weaknesses of SME members that do not have an infrastructure to test new materials
- Increasing the professional level of employees of Plastr member companies; Transfer of R&D outputs to operators and technologists; Presentation of plastics processing innovations; Focus on secondary school/university students through joint activities (professional excursions, internships, etc.)
- Increasing the competitiveness of cluster member companies by cutting costs (joint purchase of electricity, gas, selected raw materials and overhead materials)
- Ensuring the functional administrative Plastr facilities (operation of Plastr’s office, promotion and publicity)
- Sharing experiences and examples of good practice with other partners through international cooperation, especially by means of:
- – Plastr membership in the European Plastics Converters (EuPC) association, which aims to promote the interests of plastic processors at European level
- – The active cooperation with the multinational platform PlasticPortal, which runs an specialized internet catalogue of companies and manufacturers in the field of plastics, including the labor market in the given sector
Programme title: Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness
Call: 01_19_313 Cooperation – Clusters – Call VI – Shared Infrastructure
Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/19_313/0018805
Preliminary project application submitted: 23.8.2019
Expected starting date: 1.1.2020
Expected closing date: 30.11.2021
Expected duration: 23 months
Summary: The project follows the previous Plastr investment projects and aims to:
- Equip the existing “Centre for Plastic Products Modeling”, which serves the needs of cluster members
- Provide technological and instrumental background for new R&D projects realization
The aim of the project is to address the additional investments in the Center for Plastic Products Modeling, which is a part of Plastr development infrastructure. In previous projects (OP EI and OP EIC) a quality base of R&D infrastructure was built, which now needs to be supplemented in order to ensure competitiveness and completeness of investments for the solution of existing and planned R&D projects.
Overall, the goal can be defined in such a way that Plastr completes the equipment of its own R&D infrastructure to the level that ensures synergies with the regional R&D centers and enables the use of this background for new research projects.
Programme title: Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness
Call: 01_19_263 Cooperation – Clusters – Call VI – Collective Research
Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/19_263/0018804
Preliminary project application submitted: 23.8.2019
Expected starting date: 1.1.2020
Expected closing date: 31.12.2021
Expected duration: 24 months
Summary: The project is based on previously implemented R&D projects. Its main activities will be solved in the context of current trends and requirements of sustainability and circularity – tasks in the field of recycling, efficient technologies, use of raw materials from renewable sources etc. will be addressed. The project is divided into two sub-projects: “Preparation and Testing of Polymer Blends Based on Post-Consumer Plastic Recyclates” and “Advanced 3D Technologies”.
- To define and materially describe the emerging types of plastic waste – for these categories to perform analytical evaluation and propose processing methods and implement pilot testing on specified products
- To develop and implement in practice a methodology for evaluating the properties, surfaces and quality of final products based on recycled materials and fillers
- To implement in practice the methodology and procedures using the background and capabilities of 3D advanced methods of evaluation and prototyping
- To apply projects outputs
Programme title: Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness
Call: 01_20_335 Cooperation – Clusters – Call VII – Shared Infrastructure
Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/20_335/0023648
Project application submitted: 30.9.2020
Expected starting date: 1.6.2021
Expected closing date: 31.5.2023
Expected duration: 24 months
Summary: The project follows the previous Plastr investment projects and aims to:
- Equip the existing “Centre for Plastic Products Modeling”, which serves the needs of cluster members
- Provide technological and instrumental background for new R&D projects realization
The aim of the project is to address the additional investments in the Center for Plastic Products Modeling, which is a part of Plastr development infrastructure. In previous projects (OP EI and OP EIC) a quality base of R&D infrastructure was built, which now needs to be supplemented in order to ensure competitiveness and completeness of investments for the solution of existing and planned R&D projects.
Overall, the goal can be defined in such a way that Plastr completes the equipment of its own R&D infrastructure to the level that ensures synergies with the regional R&D centers and enables the use of this background for new research projects.
Programme title: Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness
Call: 01_20_333 Cooperation – Clusters – Call VII – Cluster Development
Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/20_333/0023621
Project application submitted: 22.9.2020
Expected starting date: 1.1.2021
Expected closing date: 31.12.2022
Expected duration: 24 months
Summary: The project addresses the further development of Plastr activities in the following areas:
1. People – education, technical conferences, increasing the expertise of cluster team and cluster members’ employees
2. Plastr promotion – websites, publication in professional journals, compulsory publicity
3. Interdisciplinary cooperation of Plastr
4. Joint use of professional databases and portals
5. Joint purchase (energy, selected types of raw materials, overhead materials)
6. Professional groups activities
- Building a coherent and communicative membership base
- Increasing the competitiveness of cluster member companies involved in join purchaising subprojects leading to cost reduction
- Offering attractive educational events (workshops, seminars etc.) on current topics
- Operation of a cluster Center for Plastic Products Modeling
- Support for regional technical education with the aim of increasing the interest of primary/secondary students in studying plastics
- Sharing experiences and examples of good practice between cluster members and with other partners through international cooperation, especially by means of:
- – Plastr membership in the European Plastics Converters (EuPC) association, which aims to promote the interests of plastic processors at European level
- – The active cooperation with the multinational platform PlasticPortal, which runs an specialized internet catalogue of companies and manufacturers in the field of plastics, including the labor market in the given sector
Programme title: Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness
Call: 01_18_215 Innovation Vouchers – Call IV
Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/18_215/0017832
Project application submitted: 2.5.2019
Expected starting date: 1.7.2019
Expected closing date: 31.12.2019
Expected duration: 6 months
Summary: The project focuses on elaboration of the study of the Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) of food packaging technology in disposable plastic and paper packaging and a comparison with other packaging materials such as glass and Tetrapack. The research team will process material and energy input and output models in GaBi’s dedicated LCA software for the above food packaging methods. Practical data and current LCA database values of generic processes will be used to develop the models.
The project aim is to set method of calculating the real life cycle and carbon footprint for a particular group of frequently used disposable packaging mostly made of PS and PP (yoghurt cups, chilled food, etc.) so that the convenience of using this package from different materials (plastic, glass, aluminium, Tetrapack) can be easily verified on a comparable basis.
Programme title: Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness
Call: 01_18_215 Innovation Vouchers – Call IV
Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/18_215/0021862
Project application submitted: 15.5.2020
Expected starting date: 1.9.2020
Expected closing date: 14.5.2021
Expected duration: 8.5 months
Summary: Development of a methodology for evaluating the composition of materials using LIBS method and application of innovative approaches to waste evaluation and quality evaluation of plastic recyclates in general.
The aim of the project is to test the LIBS (Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) method for in-line evaluation of plastic waste under real conditions, both from the point of view of the polymer base itself, but mainly to identify such material contaminants (heavy metals, etc.) that limit possible further use of plastic recyclates in many products. The method will be based on LIBS technology and will allow immediate and continuous determination of predetermined contaminants in the polymer. An application working with a predefined database will be included so that the measurement is detailed but at the same time legible and determining for separation operations; in other words, the operator must immediately and easily see into which branch/line of further processing can (or must) be a given type of plastic waste released. The main advantage of LIBS is its speed, one measurement takes place essentially in milliseconds and it is therefore possible to perform dozens of measurements in a very short time and thus achieve statistically reliable results.
Innovation Vouchers COVID-19 – Call V
Programme title: Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness
Call: 01_20_358 Innovation Vouchers – Call VI
Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/20_358/0025469
Project application submitted: 1.3.2021
Expected starting date: 1.4.2021
Expected closing date: 15.12.2021
Expected duration: 8,5 months
Summary: The subject of the voucher will be the evaluation of bio-degradable packaging based on PLA-waste paper composite according to the methodology described in EN 13432 and the optimisation of this measurement for specific bio-degradable packaging materials under home-composting and industrial-composting conditions.
Methodology for assessing the compostability of plastic products (especially packaging!) LIBS is a relatively new phenomenon and makes it possible to apply an innovative approach to evaluating the approach to solutions in general and here with a focus on life-cycle impact assessment of composition, impacts on unwanted soil contamination, evaluation of carbon footprint, etc. For the time being, this cannot normally be done in the framework of the activities of a manufacturing company, because the essential instrument is a protected and defined laboratory environment with specific conditions, which is available in the Czech Republic only to the supplier of the TBU-CPS service.
Programme title: Operational Programme Enterprise and Innovations for Competitiveness
Call: 01_20_358 Innovation Vouchers – Call VI
Project number: CZ.01.1.02/0.0/0.0/20_358/0025469
Project application submitted: 1.3.2021
Expected starting date: 1.4.2021
Expected closing date: 15.12.2021
Expected duration: 8,5 months
Summary: The subject of the voucher will be the evaluation of bio-degradable packaging based on PLA-waste paper composite according to the methodology described in EN 13432 and the optimisation of this measurement for specific bio-degradable packaging materials under home-composting and industrial-composting conditions.
Methodology for assessing the compostability of plastic products (especially packaging!) LIBS is a relatively new phenomenon and makes it possible to apply an innovative approach to evaluating the approach to solutions in general and here with a focus on life-cycle impact assessment of composition, impacts on unwanted soil contamination, evaluation of carbon footprint, etc. For the time being, this cannot normally be done in the framework of the activities of a manufacturing company, because the essential instrument is a protected and defined laboratory environment with specific conditions, which is available in the Czech Republic only to the supplier of the TBU-CPS service.
Project number: CZ.03.1.52/0.0/0.0/16_060/0005885
The aim of the project is to increase the level of knowledge and skills of workers and to ensure the consistency of their qualifications and competences with the requirements of the work performed.
Project duration: 1. 2. 2017 – 31. 3. 2020
Project target group consists of employees of enterprises – member companies of the Plastics Cluster. 530 people will participate in the project, of which 320 will cross the trivial support threshold.
Employees engage in the project through training in the following areas:
- General IT
- Soft and managerial skills
- Language learning
- Accounting, economic and legal courses
- Technical and other professional training
The project is financed from the European Social Fund and the State Budget of the Czech Republic through the Operational Programme Employment.
Project number: CZ.03.1.52/0.0/0.0/19_110/0010917
The aim of the project is to increase the level of knowledge and skills of employees and to ensure the consistency of their qualifications and competences with the requirements of the work performed.
Project duration: 1. 6. 2019 – 31. 5. 2022
Total project amount: 29 966 256 CZK
The target group of the project consists of employees of individual member companies of the Plastic Cluster.
Employees engage in the project through training in the following areas:
- General IT
- Soft and managerial skills
- Technical and other professional training
- Accounting, economic and legal courses
- Language learning
The project is financed from the European Social Fund and the State Budget of the Czech Republic through the Operational Programme Employment.
Programme title: Operational Programme Research, Development and Education
Call: 02_18_055 Smart Accelerator II
Expected starting date: 1.9.2020
Expected closing date: 31.3.2021
The preparation of strategic projects “Green Plastics – Market Place Zlín” and “Internationalization of Plastr in 2021-2023” is supported through the provision of assistance vouchers within the „Smart Accelerator of the Zlín Region II“ project (registration number CZ.02.2.69/0.0/0.0/18_055/0016072), which is financed by investment funds and the Zlín Region.
Objective: Sharing experiences and examples of good practice with other partners through international cooperation.
At the beginning of 2014, Plastr became a member of the EuPC association (European Plastics Converters), which aims to promote the interests of plastic processors at European level. Plastr also actively cooperates with the PlasticPortal platform, which operates specialized internet catalogue of companies and manufacturers in the field of plastics, including the labor market in the sector.
As part of international networking, we have also been involved in two projects (CLUSTERPLAST, CERADA) under the EU 7th Framework Programme and one project (AUTOPLAST) under Operational Programme of the Cross-Boarder Cooperation Slovak Republic – Czech Republic 2007 – 2013. Nowadays, we solve REGIOPLAST 2030 project under Interreg V-A SK-CZ 2014-2020 Programme.
Project information
Project title: REGIOPLAST 2030
Starting date: 1.2.2020
Closing date: 31.7.2021
Project number: NFP 304010U970
Project partners
- Slovak Plastic Cluster (lead partner)
- Plastics Cluster
- Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Project objective
The basic goal of the project is to encourage the young generation to study the fields of plastics and rubber processing, and thus create the conditions for the sustaining, work and life of young people in the border area of the Zlín and Trenčín regions. The planned activities are aimed at increasing the attractiveness of education, especially through innovative practical training of secondary school teachers. An important part of the project will be the creation of a joint strategy of cooperation with primary schools students in both regions to increase their interest for technical study oriented on polymer processing.
In January 2009, the Plastics Cluster got involved in the project under the Operational Program of the Cross-Border Cooperation Slovak Republic – Czech Republic 2007 – 2013 entitled AUTOPLAST – Creating Conditions to Increase Quality of Human Resources for Automotive Industry Needs in the Field of Plastics.
Project information
Project title: Creating Conditions to Increase Quality of Human Resources for Automotive Industry Needs in the Field of Plastics (AUTOPLAST)
Starting date: 1.1.2009
Closing date: 31.12.2011
Project number: 22410420007
Project partners
- Trnava City (lead partner)
- Plastics Cluster
- Automotive Cluster West SLovakia
- Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava Faculty of Materials Science and Technology in Trnava
Project objective
The project is aimed at cooperation and exchanging experience in the field of research and development of materials and technologies through clusters. Another key area is to increase the quality of professional training in plastics at MTF STU in Trnava, which will be guided in cooperation with Tomas Bata University in Zlin (TBU). The specific objective is to build and operate a training and teaching center at MTF STU in Trnava, which will focus on the most demanding plastics processing technologies. The accompanying activities of the project include professional seminars and conferences, meetings of companies from both regions or cooperation in organizing the competition for the best student project in the field of plastic for TBU and MTF STU students.
In January 2009, the Plastics Cluster got involved in the project under the EU 7th Framework Programme entitled CLUSTERPLAST – Inter-Cluster Initiative to Target the Future Challenges for the European Polymer Converting Industry.
Official project websites
Project information
Project title: Inter-Cluster Initiative to Target the Future Challenges for the European Polymer Converting Industry (CLUSTERPLAST)
Starting date: 1.1.2009
Closing date: 30.6.2010
Grant agreement number: 230019
Project partners
The project consortium represents research-driven clusters consisting of processing companies, scientific research institutions and public authorities. In the case of CLUSTERPLAST project, there are three already existing plastics clusters from France, Italy and Austria, which will initiate the formation of three new knowledge-based plastics clusters in the Czech Republic, Spain and Portugal.
- Région Rhône-Alpes (project coordinator)
- Plastipolis (Pôle de Compétitivité Plasturgie)
- Proplast – consorzio per la promozione della cultura plastica
- Centimfe (Technological Center for the Mouldmaking, Special Tooling and Plastic Industries)
- CEFAMOL (Portuguese Association for the Mould Industry)
- OPEN (Associaçao Oportunidades Específicas de Negócio)
- IST (Instituto Superior Técnico Lisbon)
- Municipality of Marinha Grande
- Technology Innovation Center Zlín
- Plastics Cluster Zlín
- Instituto de la Mediana y Pequena Industria Valenciana-Generalitat Valenciana
- University of Alicante
- Asociación Valenciana de empresarios de Plástico
- ALMA Consulting Group
Project objective
The main theme of the project is to strengthen the position of the European plastics industry, which has to face competition from both highly developed countries and countries with cheap labor. The aim of the project is to prepare a strategy and a joint action plan that will include sharing of scientific and technological background, transfer of knowledge and good practice, mentoring activities and publicity. It will be specifically aimed at disseminating information to SMEs, which are a very important part of economic reality and have a significant impact on the economic development of regions. It will be specifically aimed at disseminating information to SMEs, which are a very important part of economic reality and have a significant impact on the economic development of regions.
In March 2009, the Plastics Cluster got involved in the project under the EU 7th Framework Programme entitled CERADA – Central European Research and Development Area.
Project information
Project title: Central European Research and Development Area (CERADA)
Starting date: 1.3.2009
Closing date: 30.4.2011
Grant agreement number: 230017
Project partners
The project consortium consists of representatives of industry, scientific research institutions and public administration bodies of 4 regions of the Central Europe: Zlín and Moravian-Silesian (Czech Republic), Žilina (Slovak Republic) and Katowice (Poland). The project partner is also the British consulting company Pera Innovation.
- Regional Development Agency (project coordinator)
- VSB – Technical University of Ostrava
- Moravian-Silesian Automotive Cluster
- Technology Innovation Centre Zlín
- Tomas Bata University in Zlín
- Plastics Cluster Zlín
- Górnośląska Agencja Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A.
- Akademia Ekonomiczna im. Karola Adamieckiego w Katowicach
- Górnośląska Agencja Przekształceń Przedsiębiorstw S.A.
- Science and Technology Park Žilina
- University of Žilina
- PERA Innovation
Project objective
The project is focused on one of the key industrial sectors of all participating regions – the transport sector, especially the automotive and aerospace industries. The aim of the project is to create effective cooperation and communication between the industry, scientific research institutions and public administration bodies. The main outputs of the project include the preparation of an action plan, the creation of catalogue of the scientific-research institutions, and, in cooperation with a British partner (PERA Innovation), the training of expert team for technology transfer. The accompanying activities include workshops and technical conferences.
Registration number: CZ.03.01.03/00/22_040/0002164
The aim of the project is to increase, through professional training, the level of competences of workers that
to meet the current needs of the employer and the requirements of the changing labour market. The target group of the project
are employees of individual member companies of the Plastics Cluster.
Project duration: 1 January 2024 – 31 December 2026
Total project amount: CZK 13 177 048,96
Project name: Further vocational training of Plastics Cluster members
The project is co-financed by the European Social Fund plus and the State Budget of the Czech Republic
Employment plus Operational Programme.
Registration number: CZ.01.01.01/07/23_012/0001280
The aim of the project is to retrofit the existing Centre for Modelling of Plastic Products, which serves the needs of the cluster members, to create technological and instrumental facilities for the implementation of related new R&D projects of the cluster, to strengthen the relationship between the activities carried out by the partner cooperating VO, UTB Zlín, to apply and apply the project outputs.
Project implementation period: 1.1.2024 – 31.12.2025
Total project amount: 23 500 000 CZK
Project name: PLASTR 2023 – infrastructure
The project is co-financed by the European Union
Registration number: CZ.01.01.01/07/23_011/0001277
The aim is to build and maintain a functioning cluster organisation with a solid and active membership base – Plastr plans to expand its membership by at least 8 new members over the project period. In addition, Plastr would like to expand the portfolio of services offered by joint purchasing to include additional overhead material and the purchase of production raw materials for the plastics industry. Another vision is to build up an information flow within the membership base on the waste materials from the plastics production of individual members and furthermore to find suitable applications for it in the products of other members, in order to avoid unnecessary burdening of the environment with waste that can still be used. Furthermore, Plastr is also trying to expand its existence abroad, where it is trying to establish itself as a partner for the implementation of international projects.
Project duration: 1.7.2023 – 30.6.2025
Total project amount: 9 934 100 CZK
Project name: PLASTR 2023 – Cluster Development
The project is co-financed by the European Union
Registration number: CZ.01.01.01/07/23_013/0001279
The aim of the project is to define and materially describe the emerging types of plastic wastes, to develop and put into practice a methodology for the evaluation of properties, surfaces and quality of final products based on recyclates and fillers, to put into practice the methodology and procedures for the use of plastic recyclates using the background and capacity of 3D advanced evaluation and prototyping methods, to apply and apply the project outputs and to prepare a business-plan for the application of the results.
Project duration: 1.1.2024 – 31.12.2025
Total project amount: 11 570 000 CZK
Project name: PLASTR 2023 – R&D
The project is co-financed by the European Union
Project Ref. No.: DRP0200194
Project title: Danube Region Programme
Acronym: Plan-C
Start date: 1.1.2024
End date: 30.6.2026
Priority axis: 1. – A more competitive and smarter Danube Region
SO: 1.1 – AdvancedTechnologies
Lead partner: Business Upper Austria
Lead partner country: Österreich (AT)
Lead partner legal status: Public
Project duration: 30
Total Interreg Funds: 1 735 600,00 EUR
Total Eligible Budget: 2 169 50,00 EUR
The amount of support for Plastikářský klastr: 116 800,00 EUR
Project objective
Transformation of the PLASTICS and MACHINE INDUSTRY into a circular economy, using a design thinking methodology. To develop a vision for a transformed plastics value chain designed for circularity, demonstrating the benefits of reuse/recycling of plastics and maintenance, redistribution, refurbishing/remanufacturing and recycling of machines. Prototype solutions of plastics products + machine concepts designed for circularity to demonstrate the benefits of recycling/reuse/remanufacturing through innovative business cases.
Sub-project title: Systém značení polymerů pro digitalizovaný systém třídění odpadů.
Sub-project title: Diseminační projekt.
Sub-project title: Funkční polyurethanové polymery.
Sub-project title: Nanovlákenné a polymerní materiály s antimikrobiální ochranou.
Sub-project title: Biopolymery pro agrochemické aplikace (BioAgro).
Project Ref. No.: FW10010547
Project title: Zpracování postkonzumních recyklátů na vakuově tvarované výrobky z plastů
Project Ref. No.: SS06020282
Project title: Ekologická recyklace biopolymerů
Project Ref. No.: TK05020043
Project title: Technologie pro výrobu průmyslových redoxních průtokových baterií